Tuesday, February 2, 2010

cross stitch updates..

well.. this blog is supposed to be so i can keep track of what i'm working on.. wip's .. ufo's and new stuff too.. so.. in keeping with that.. i'm going to try to post updates of things i'm doing.. i've been working a lot on my Murky manor cross stitch.. so.. here is what i've done on it this week..


it's coming right along.. and the more i do on it.. the more i want to do.. it's fun.. i had originally planned on completing this picture by Oct 1.. but.. i think i'll have it done much faster than that.. so i'm gonna shoot for the end of April.. then i want to do Sleepy Hallow (also a Glendon Place design).. and hopefully get that done by the end of the year.. i've done enough Halloween i think.. so next year.. we'll have to do something else..

i've also done a quick and easy cross stitch picture.. this is.. Eloquent Christmas.. and it's a ByGone Stitches design.. all the cross stitching is done on it.. i just need to "decorate" the tree.. the pattern has some beading on it.. but i want to fancy it up some.. with more beading and stuff.. so i need to go shopping for more decorations for it..


1 comment:

  1. I love the merry christmas design, looking forward to see what pretty findings you add to it. I really like seeing people add their own flair to projects like that.
