been gone for a bit.. but been very busy... we decided to re-finance the house and have been working on doing a bit of changes in it... just had the carpet taken out of the living room and our bedroom and replace it with a wood-look tile... it's gorgeous!!... i love it... but.. what a mess and it took 3 full days to do.. so needless to say my poor house was torn apart for more than a week..
was doing really great with my walking till.... i pulled my Achilles tendon on my left foot... OUCH!!.. that took a week to get back to normal but then the heat these last few weeks has been unbearable... i mean hot.. like already over 80 at 7 in the morning with heat indexes approaching 90... i just can't do it then... i am sooooo looking forward to a bit of cooler weather so i can start walking again... i'm actually very surprized that i miss it.. lol..
however... my dr. was extremely pleased with my numbers this visit... i'm down 10 pounds and my A1C dropped from 7.2 to 6.4!!... woot woot!!.. now i just need to keep up the good work and see if i can get them a bit lower..
quilting wise... i'm doing ok.. i'm a bit ahead of the I Believe in Snowmen quilt.. (which is a good thing since our Vegas trip is coming up quick (like next week).. and then a cruise with mom and my sister in October.. (mom was comped the room.. so we just couldn't pass it up!!... ).. 7 day cruise .. Eastern Caribbean.. i finally finished all the blocks for my swoon quilt.. just need to put the top together and find a border for it... and i've finished the top for my Thanksgiving table runner.. now to get up the courage to machine quilt it... :\ .. and i'm finally getting the binding on my Tropical Skies quilt..
cross stitch wise... nothing... still no mojo... *sigh*..
anyway.. time for me to finish up my chores so i can get back to doing something fun..
happy stitching..
Shey's World of Stitchin Magic..
Ahhhh!!!... i'm stitchin in paradise!!
Tuesday, August 26, 2014
Wednesday, July 16, 2014
Pineapple Jelly quilt top done!!
things seem to be going along pretty good... for the most part i've been continuing to get my walk in most days.. and working on my quilting... i STILL haven't gotten my MOJO back for my cross stitch tho....:(..
i've finished my pineapple jelly quilt.. and i LOVE it!!... i love working with batiks!..
and i've been working a bit on my swoon quilt... that's my #5 UFO for the month of July... i started with 3 blocks done.. and i've done 3 more since then and only 3 left to go.. hopefully i'll be able to at least get all the blocks done for this one.. and if lucky.. maybe the center of the top done.. i'm using a fq set that was given to me for these... so i'll have to probably buy some border fabric to go with it to finish up the top...
the other thing i've been concentrating on... is my I Believe in Snowmen quilt.. it's a Bunny Hill pattern and it's just soooo cute... i'm doing it as a stitch-a-long with the HGTV girls.. and i'm totally shocking myself with keeping up with the monthly requirements.. lol... it's a lot of embroidery as well as quilt blocks... it's been fun to watch everyone progress and colour schemes.. the original is a red-work one... mine will be in gold.. black and cream...
i've been trying to walk every day .. except weekends.. and doing ok with that.. i couldn't walk on monday cause we had a new mattress set delivered in the morning... and with the heat and humidity down here.. if i don't get out and walking first thing in the morning... i don't go out!! .. i try to do a 3 mile walk most days... however since i didn't walk monday... i did 4 yesterday.. and it wasn't too bad.. so i may try to up it to 4 miles every day.. i must admit... my blood sugar has been great since walking... a steady 98 most days.. and my clothes are starting to fit a bit better... (can't wait for the day i can say .. they are getting big on me.. lol)..
oh well.. time to get busy on other things...
happy stitching..
things seem to be going along pretty good... for the most part i've been continuing to get my walk in most days.. and working on my quilting... i STILL haven't gotten my MOJO back for my cross stitch tho....:(..
i've finished my pineapple jelly quilt.. and i LOVE it!!... i love working with batiks!..
and i've been working a bit on my swoon quilt... that's my #5 UFO for the month of July... i started with 3 blocks done.. and i've done 3 more since then and only 3 left to go.. hopefully i'll be able to at least get all the blocks done for this one.. and if lucky.. maybe the center of the top done.. i'm using a fq set that was given to me for these... so i'll have to probably buy some border fabric to go with it to finish up the top...
the other thing i've been concentrating on... is my I Believe in Snowmen quilt.. it's a Bunny Hill pattern and it's just soooo cute... i'm doing it as a stitch-a-long with the HGTV girls.. and i'm totally shocking myself with keeping up with the monthly requirements.. lol... it's a lot of embroidery as well as quilt blocks... it's been fun to watch everyone progress and colour schemes.. the original is a red-work one... mine will be in gold.. black and cream...
i've been trying to walk every day .. except weekends.. and doing ok with that.. i couldn't walk on monday cause we had a new mattress set delivered in the morning... and with the heat and humidity down here.. if i don't get out and walking first thing in the morning... i don't go out!! .. i try to do a 3 mile walk most days... however since i didn't walk monday... i did 4 yesterday.. and it wasn't too bad.. so i may try to up it to 4 miles every day.. i must admit... my blood sugar has been great since walking... a steady 98 most days.. and my clothes are starting to fit a bit better... (can't wait for the day i can say .. they are getting big on me.. lol)..
oh well.. time to get busy on other things...
happy stitching..
Thursday, July 3, 2014
wow.. i've been gone a LOOONG time!
i can't believe i haven't posted a damn thing in more than a year... yeah.. it's been a busy year but sheesh... you'd think i'd have found a little time for this sometime in a year..
i've been in a lull.. creatively lately... haven't felt much like cross stitching ... or quilting... i've been looking for my mojo.. and it's been very elusive!... a little (and i do mean little) bit of quilting mojo is trying to come back... but the cross stitch one is still in hiding.. i don't think i've put a stitch in anything in a month!!..
i'm currently working on a pineapple quilt in some beautiful batiks... i just need to add the final 2 borders to it and it'll be done!... and i'll hopefully have a picture of that soon.. (if i can figure out how to get them on here again.. )..
i'm challenging myself to work on some ufo's for the last 6 months of the year.. in both quilting and cross stitch.. we'll see how that works for me... a bunch of the girls in my stitch group are doing the cross stitch challenge with me... and i have a couple in the quilt guild doing the quilt challenge... we list 6 UFO projects and my daughter picks a # and then we work on the one with the corresponding #.. for that month..
my cross stitch ufo's for this 6 months are..
1.. snowflake serenade
2.. a quaker Christmas
3.. Gratitude.. (aka.. the blood sheep!)
4.. sheep virtues
5.. hearts and holly
6.. flowers of rosehall..
and my quilting ufo's are..
1.. Christmas wall-hanging (guild project from july 2013)
2.. butterfly sampler.. (from f-8 swap)
3.. Christmas sampler.. (from f-8 swap)
4.. Pineapple quilt
5.. Swoon quilt
6.. various table runners, table toppers, and tree skirts.. finishing..
and the # for july is... 5... so looks like i need to get busy on my hearts and holly cross stitch and.. my Swoon quilt..
i've also decided i need to work on my health more.. lose some weight and DO some exercise.. i hate to exercise and avoid it at all costs.. but since i am a type 2 diabetic.. i really need to do some... that being said.. this week.. i have FINALLY started doing some... it's only walking but.. at least i'm moving!!!.. i went for a nice walk this morning... did 3 miles... and in this humidity... that was great for me!!... i'm trying to do the 10,000 steps a day thing... i have yet to make it to 10,000... but today will be a good day... as i've over 7000 in for today and it's only 12:30... yay me!!
anyway.. i'll try to get some pics of my beginning of the month ufo projects .. and get them posted soon.. and... i'll really try to keep up with this thing a bit better...
hugs to you all and happy stitching..
i can't believe i haven't posted a damn thing in more than a year... yeah.. it's been a busy year but sheesh... you'd think i'd have found a little time for this sometime in a year..
i've been in a lull.. creatively lately... haven't felt much like cross stitching ... or quilting... i've been looking for my mojo.. and it's been very elusive!... a little (and i do mean little) bit of quilting mojo is trying to come back... but the cross stitch one is still in hiding.. i don't think i've put a stitch in anything in a month!!..
i'm currently working on a pineapple quilt in some beautiful batiks... i just need to add the final 2 borders to it and it'll be done!... and i'll hopefully have a picture of that soon.. (if i can figure out how to get them on here again.. )..
i'm challenging myself to work on some ufo's for the last 6 months of the year.. in both quilting and cross stitch.. we'll see how that works for me... a bunch of the girls in my stitch group are doing the cross stitch challenge with me... and i have a couple in the quilt guild doing the quilt challenge... we list 6 UFO projects and my daughter picks a # and then we work on the one with the corresponding #.. for that month..
my cross stitch ufo's for this 6 months are..
1.. snowflake serenade
2.. a quaker Christmas
3.. Gratitude.. (aka.. the blood sheep!)
4.. sheep virtues
5.. hearts and holly
6.. flowers of rosehall..
and my quilting ufo's are..
1.. Christmas wall-hanging (guild project from july 2013)
2.. butterfly sampler.. (from f-8 swap)
3.. Christmas sampler.. (from f-8 swap)
4.. Pineapple quilt
5.. Swoon quilt
6.. various table runners, table toppers, and tree skirts.. finishing..
and the # for july is... 5... so looks like i need to get busy on my hearts and holly cross stitch and.. my Swoon quilt..
i've also decided i need to work on my health more.. lose some weight and DO some exercise.. i hate to exercise and avoid it at all costs.. but since i am a type 2 diabetic.. i really need to do some... that being said.. this week.. i have FINALLY started doing some... it's only walking but.. at least i'm moving!!!.. i went for a nice walk this morning... did 3 miles... and in this humidity... that was great for me!!... i'm trying to do the 10,000 steps a day thing... i have yet to make it to 10,000... but today will be a good day... as i've over 7000 in for today and it's only 12:30... yay me!!
anyway.. i'll try to get some pics of my beginning of the month ufo projects .. and get them posted soon.. and... i'll really try to keep up with this thing a bit better...
hugs to you all and happy stitching..
Sunday, March 17, 2013
happy st. paddy's day..
hello ladies..
and happy st paddy's day to you all..
let's see... what's been going on around here for the last week... it's been another busy one!!... hmmm... monday was the guild meeting.. and our Spring Fling event.. everyone brought a dish to pass... yum!!.. lots and lots of yummy food to eat.. gorgeous quilts to look at and a pretty good business meeting too.. tues i just did stuff around here.. wed.. quilting group.. and i got all the blocks done for my "tropical skies" quilt.. next is squaring the blocks and assembly... yay!!.. maureen and beth were here for that.. and maureen did some knitting on a cute little baby sweater that will be a shop model in cathy's store.. and beth attempted to work on her quilt for lynne... her machine was jamming up on her every few block tho.. so she didn't get as much done as she would have liked.. thurs i brought the corvette into the dealer to finish the repairs from last week and then did errands... and went to the quilt store.. i had to get some co-ordinating fabrics for a class that i took on sat.. which of course i couldn't find and ended up getting all new fabric for the class.. lol.. i love it tho... christmas pears.. with co-ordinating red, green and white/gold.. i think it'll be pretty.. friday i took the focus in to FINALLY get the MYSYNC nav fixed.. and then went to Melbourne to visit my sister and get my BOM blocks from the quilt store there... we had a great time browsing an antique store.. then went to lunch at a cute little place right on the ocean... gorgeous views!!.. yesterday was class.. and it was lots of fun... i love the stack and whack blocks.. it's soo cool to see all the different blocks that come from one fabric... everyone's blocks were amazing and i can't wait to see the finished quilts!.. i got quite a few of my blocks done.. and today i hope to finish up the blocks and move to the sashings... i really would like to have it finished before the next guild meeting..
so that's the plan for today... to work on the Attic Window with a Twist blocks and maybe start the squaring up of the tropical skies quilt blocks too.. and cleaning up in the studio.. :)
until next time..
happy stitching..
and happy st paddy's day to you all..
let's see... what's been going on around here for the last week... it's been another busy one!!... hmmm... monday was the guild meeting.. and our Spring Fling event.. everyone brought a dish to pass... yum!!.. lots and lots of yummy food to eat.. gorgeous quilts to look at and a pretty good business meeting too.. tues i just did stuff around here.. wed.. quilting group.. and i got all the blocks done for my "tropical skies" quilt.. next is squaring the blocks and assembly... yay!!.. maureen and beth were here for that.. and maureen did some knitting on a cute little baby sweater that will be a shop model in cathy's store.. and beth attempted to work on her quilt for lynne... her machine was jamming up on her every few block tho.. so she didn't get as much done as she would have liked.. thurs i brought the corvette into the dealer to finish the repairs from last week and then did errands... and went to the quilt store.. i had to get some co-ordinating fabrics for a class that i took on sat.. which of course i couldn't find and ended up getting all new fabric for the class.. lol.. i love it tho... christmas pears.. with co-ordinating red, green and white/gold.. i think it'll be pretty.. friday i took the focus in to FINALLY get the MYSYNC nav fixed.. and then went to Melbourne to visit my sister and get my BOM blocks from the quilt store there... we had a great time browsing an antique store.. then went to lunch at a cute little place right on the ocean... gorgeous views!!.. yesterday was class.. and it was lots of fun... i love the stack and whack blocks.. it's soo cool to see all the different blocks that come from one fabric... everyone's blocks were amazing and i can't wait to see the finished quilts!.. i got quite a few of my blocks done.. and today i hope to finish up the blocks and move to the sashings... i really would like to have it finished before the next guild meeting..
so that's the plan for today... to work on the Attic Window with a Twist blocks and maybe start the squaring up of the tropical skies quilt blocks too.. and cleaning up in the studio.. :)
until next time..
happy stitching..
Thursday, March 7, 2013
the trouble with cars... :\
well.. this is just NOT my week with cars... have to bring the focus in for the sync update last thursday.. and.. for some reason... it just deleted my nav.. so.. made appt to bring it back in today for them to.. "reinstall" it.. of course in the meantime... i took the car down to Vero to get my hair done and.. took mom and the aunt to Walmart.. and somehow picked up a nail in the tire.. lucky for me.. my brother was there and he changed the tire for me.. and i didn't get stuck on 192 in the dark with a flat.. there is absolutely nothing on 192... just miles and miles and miles of fields and swamp... so.. thought what the heck i'm going to get the sync fixed today... i'll just have them plug the tire and put it back on... ha ha ha.. well... no can do... i have to have a new tire.. and they won't have one in... till tomorrow... and.. they can't fix my sync-nav issue.. because now.. i have no nav for them to update... *sigh*... hopefully by tomorrow they will have heard from Ford to figure out how to fix my nav and sync problem... and.. THEN... to top it all off... den got in the Corvette this morning... and.. it won't start.. he was able to get in and he had power.. just wouldn't turn over... so.. i tried it when i got home from the ford dealer.. and now there is nothing.. i can't even get in the car.. so now... i have to have it towed to the Chev dealer for them to work on the corvette... it just hasn't been my week for cars..
however... i did have a great time visiting with my family on tuesday.. (minus the tire incident).. mom made some fantastic Sauerbraten and fried noodles... it was lucious!!.. and wednesday i made some good progress on my "Tropical Skies" quilt... and Beth got a bunch done on her quilt for Lynne too.. and it was fun... my goal for next wednesday is to get all the blocks finished and start the assembly...
until next time...
happy stitching and quilting..
well.. this is just NOT my week with cars... have to bring the focus in for the sync update last thursday.. and.. for some reason... it just deleted my nav.. so.. made appt to bring it back in today for them to.. "reinstall" it.. of course in the meantime... i took the car down to Vero to get my hair done and.. took mom and the aunt to Walmart.. and somehow picked up a nail in the tire.. lucky for me.. my brother was there and he changed the tire for me.. and i didn't get stuck on 192 in the dark with a flat.. there is absolutely nothing on 192... just miles and miles and miles of fields and swamp... so.. thought what the heck i'm going to get the sync fixed today... i'll just have them plug the tire and put it back on... ha ha ha.. well... no can do... i have to have a new tire.. and they won't have one in... till tomorrow... and.. they can't fix my sync-nav issue.. because now.. i have no nav for them to update... *sigh*... hopefully by tomorrow they will have heard from Ford to figure out how to fix my nav and sync problem... and.. THEN... to top it all off... den got in the Corvette this morning... and.. it won't start.. he was able to get in and he had power.. just wouldn't turn over... so.. i tried it when i got home from the ford dealer.. and now there is nothing.. i can't even get in the car.. so now... i have to have it towed to the Chev dealer for them to work on the corvette... it just hasn't been my week for cars..
however... i did have a great time visiting with my family on tuesday.. (minus the tire incident).. mom made some fantastic Sauerbraten and fried noodles... it was lucious!!.. and wednesday i made some good progress on my "Tropical Skies" quilt... and Beth got a bunch done on her quilt for Lynne too.. and it was fun... my goal for next wednesday is to get all the blocks finished and start the assembly...
until next time...
happy stitching and quilting..
Monday, March 4, 2013
is it gonna fit???..
hello ladies..
i'm beginning to think that i'm not destined to do the Santa's Village SAL (stitch a long).. with the girls.. :( .. i got my new piece of fabric the other day.. (the first piece of fabric i had was gonna be to small to do the entire (12) houses on it.. )... and i love it.. it's a bit of a darker shade of "vanilla latte".. looks more like "mocha" latte.. :) ... and i did quite a bit on the first Santa house over the weekend.. .. well .. this morning for some reason i pulled the other one out and as i'm looking at it.. the house seemed smaller... yep.. you guessed it... my new piece of fabric.. is 28ct... not 32ct.. so i'm back to wondering if i'm gonna get all 12 houses on it... i'll have to take it off the hoop and measure it .. *sigh*... i'm hoping it will fit and that Cathy just.. might have to do some creative stretching to get it framed..
quilt group last wed was very productive for me... i got all the 4 patches done on the "Tropical Skies" quilt.. it's called sunny skies in the magazine.. but since i'm using bright tropical coloured batiks.. mine is tropical skies.. :) .. so yesterday i got a chance to sew a bit... and got all the 16 patch and 8 patch blocks sewn together and started on the V blocks.. i think... MAYBE.. with a little luck and couple of days of not running around... i might get this quilt top done in a couple more weeks.. i would love to have it done for the March 11 guild meeting... but that might be pushing it.. as this is another busy week for me.. today .. is Stitch group at Needle Craft World... tomorrow.. haircut in Vero and dinner with mom and the aunt.. wed.. quilt group here and thursday.. i have to bring the car in .. AGAIN.. for them to fix the update on the MYSYNC.. somehow when they did it last week.. the entire Nav was just .. gone.. i did get a bit of redwork (actually it's Swampwater work.. lol.. as that's the colour i'm using on my Halloween picture).. done last week tho... while they were working on it.. so i guess i will again this week.. lol..
well... i best get my 2nd cuppa and get my day going..
until next time..
i'm beginning to think that i'm not destined to do the Santa's Village SAL (stitch a long).. with the girls.. :( .. i got my new piece of fabric the other day.. (the first piece of fabric i had was gonna be to small to do the entire (12) houses on it.. )... and i love it.. it's a bit of a darker shade of "vanilla latte".. looks more like "mocha" latte.. :) ... and i did quite a bit on the first Santa house over the weekend.. .. well .. this morning for some reason i pulled the other one out and as i'm looking at it.. the house seemed smaller... yep.. you guessed it... my new piece of fabric.. is 28ct... not 32ct.. so i'm back to wondering if i'm gonna get all 12 houses on it... i'll have to take it off the hoop and measure it .. *sigh*... i'm hoping it will fit and that Cathy just.. might have to do some creative stretching to get it framed..
quilt group last wed was very productive for me... i got all the 4 patches done on the "Tropical Skies" quilt.. it's called sunny skies in the magazine.. but since i'm using bright tropical coloured batiks.. mine is tropical skies.. :) .. so yesterday i got a chance to sew a bit... and got all the 16 patch and 8 patch blocks sewn together and started on the V blocks.. i think... MAYBE.. with a little luck and couple of days of not running around... i might get this quilt top done in a couple more weeks.. i would love to have it done for the March 11 guild meeting... but that might be pushing it.. as this is another busy week for me.. today .. is Stitch group at Needle Craft World... tomorrow.. haircut in Vero and dinner with mom and the aunt.. wed.. quilt group here and thursday.. i have to bring the car in .. AGAIN.. for them to fix the update on the MYSYNC.. somehow when they did it last week.. the entire Nav was just .. gone.. i did get a bit of redwork (actually it's Swampwater work.. lol.. as that's the colour i'm using on my Halloween picture).. done last week tho... while they were working on it.. so i guess i will again this week.. lol..
well... i best get my 2nd cuppa and get my day going..
until next time..
Tuesday, February 26, 2013
what a wonderful busy weekend..
hello ladies..
well i didn't get much sewing or stitching done .. but i've had a busy week or so... seems like i've been on the run every day..
i'm trying something new... i've asked a couple of ladies to join me on wednesday mornings to sew and quilt.. so far it's just Beth.. but.. we have a few more that are interested... for now.. we are doing this at my house.. but.. with a couple more people.. we'll probably try to move to the community center.. so.. last wed was our first wednesday.. and we did pretty good... i got most of the cutting done on a new jelly roll quilt.. and Beth finally got started on cutting out a quilt that she's making for a dear friend.. she's had the fabric for a couple of years.. so to see her actually get started on it.. was great!!.. tomorrow i hope to get the rest of the cutting done and maybe even start sewing!.. i'm anxious to get started on it... as for the cleaning/organizing of the sewing studios.. well.. i really haven't done that much.. with all the running around i've been doing.. lol.. i do hope to have a couple of solid days to work up there soon..
thursday.. my sister's dear friend Diana flew in... and we spent the day just talking and catching up... Friday i went over to Melbourne and spent the day with them.. touring all the antique shops and specialty shops in downtown Melbourne.. omg.. what a lot to go thru and we saw lots of really cute stuff... Saturday was.. Party in the Cloud.. at my house.. what a blast.. lots of great company.. good food and drink.. Patti and Diana spent the night and early Sunday morning we went to watch the end of the Princess half marathon at Disney.. (Diana's daughter Sarah was running in the race)... then spent a few hours at Downtown Disney with a great lunch at Rainforest Cafe... monday...i went to stitch group at Cathy's... (Needlecraft World).. but.. i didn't stitch.. lol... i gave her a special quilt block i had made her to memorialize her trip to Vegas.. she loved it... i'll try to get the pic posted of it.. it came out really cute.. today.. Patti and Diana are coming over for a bit.. and we'll take Diana to lunch.. then to the airport.. :(
so i best get another cuppa and then get my day started... i have a lot to do today.. before they get here..
until next time..
well i didn't get much sewing or stitching done .. but i've had a busy week or so... seems like i've been on the run every day..
i'm trying something new... i've asked a couple of ladies to join me on wednesday mornings to sew and quilt.. so far it's just Beth.. but.. we have a few more that are interested... for now.. we are doing this at my house.. but.. with a couple more people.. we'll probably try to move to the community center.. so.. last wed was our first wednesday.. and we did pretty good... i got most of the cutting done on a new jelly roll quilt.. and Beth finally got started on cutting out a quilt that she's making for a dear friend.. she's had the fabric for a couple of years.. so to see her actually get started on it.. was great!!.. tomorrow i hope to get the rest of the cutting done and maybe even start sewing!.. i'm anxious to get started on it... as for the cleaning/organizing of the sewing studios.. well.. i really haven't done that much.. with all the running around i've been doing.. lol.. i do hope to have a couple of solid days to work up there soon..
thursday.. my sister's dear friend Diana flew in... and we spent the day just talking and catching up... Friday i went over to Melbourne and spent the day with them.. touring all the antique shops and specialty shops in downtown Melbourne.. omg.. what a lot to go thru and we saw lots of really cute stuff... Saturday was.. Party in the Cloud.. at my house.. what a blast.. lots of great company.. good food and drink.. Patti and Diana spent the night and early Sunday morning we went to watch the end of the Princess half marathon at Disney.. (Diana's daughter Sarah was running in the race)... then spent a few hours at Downtown Disney with a great lunch at Rainforest Cafe... monday...i went to stitch group at Cathy's... (Needlecraft World).. but.. i didn't stitch.. lol... i gave her a special quilt block i had made her to memorialize her trip to Vegas.. she loved it... i'll try to get the pic posted of it.. it came out really cute.. today.. Patti and Diana are coming over for a bit.. and we'll take Diana to lunch.. then to the airport.. :(
so i best get another cuppa and then get my day started... i have a lot to do today.. before they get here..
until next time..
Tuesday, February 12, 2013
learned a lot!
hello again..
wow!!.. what a great guild meeting last night... i totally enjoyed it... we had Tim from Sew Mini Things quilt store come in and talk to us about machine needles... and WOW!!.. did we learn alot... especially us Janome machine owners.. i had no idea i was using the wrong needles in my machine!!.. being a Janome machine i am supposed to be using Organ needles in it... not Schmetz... who knew??!.. not me.. and using a topstitch needle for the actual quilting should help with that too... wow.. so lucky for me he had some with him and i came home with some Organ needles for my machine... now i just need to find some time to actually sew.. lol...
today.. i'm hoping to finally get to the dollar store and get some plastic shoebox containers.. and some batteries for my label maker.. and when i get home... i need to iron up a box of the charity quilt blocks so this afternoon the guild can all help me square the blocks.. that will make things so much easier when it's charity sewing day..
ok.. well.. time for another cuppa.. then to get my day started..
until next time..
Happy stitching.. shey
Monday, February 11, 2013
its Quilt Guild day!!
tonight is our monthly meeting for the Patcher's of Time Quilt Guild.. so i've been busy trying to get everything ready for the meeting.. it should be a great meeting tonight as we have Timm from Sew Mini Things in Mt. Dora.. coming to speak to us tonight about machine needles and.. he's gonna bring some new stuff for us to see that has just come into the shop..
on the sewing studio organization front.. things are going ... okay.. not great.. lol.. it is soooo darn boring cleaning and organizing... and I WANT TO SEW!!... but.. i can't... YET!.. but.. the good news is that while cleaning.. i found the disc for my camera... so.. i should be able to put pictures on this thing again... yay!!.. i'll test it out later.. i went to the dollar store friday to buy some shoe box size plastic containers and darn if they weren't totally out of them.. so i'll have to go to another dollar store and check there.. sure makes it hard to cut and sort without the proper container.. :|
been doing a lot on my cross stitch.. making great progress on the Flowers of Rosehall picture.. it's sooo gorgeous.. and getting ready to start the krienik/floss parts on the gingerbread house shop model.. and.. doing quite a bit of the stitching on the Halloween "red"work picture i'm doing.. and i've even had a little time to read a book... (i make it a rule to read at least 12 books a year.. usually i go way over... last year i think i read at least 36 books!!).. it's been so gorgeous here in central florida lately... that i've been sitting out by the pool and reading for a bit in the afternoon... looks like the weather is supposed to get much cooler and it might even rain later in the week.. which would be good... we need the rain!!...
i took 2 UFO's off the quilt list recently... yay!!.. finally got the borders on the blue charm quilt i started last fall... and.. on the poinsettia irish chain quilt that has been laying around here since probably 2006.. lol.. and got the fabric i need to get the borders on the 9 patch pizzaz quilt that i believe has been just sitting there patiently waiting for it's borders since i think 2008 .. of course they are now added to the.. pile of... "need to be quilted quilt tops"... but at least they are quilt tops!!.. lol
i'll come back later in the week and try to post the pictures of the completed quilt tops and the cross stitch i'm working on..
until next time..
happy stitching..
tonight is our monthly meeting for the Patcher's of Time Quilt Guild.. so i've been busy trying to get everything ready for the meeting.. it should be a great meeting tonight as we have Timm from Sew Mini Things in Mt. Dora.. coming to speak to us tonight about machine needles and.. he's gonna bring some new stuff for us to see that has just come into the shop..
on the sewing studio organization front.. things are going ... okay.. not great.. lol.. it is soooo darn boring cleaning and organizing... and I WANT TO SEW!!... but.. i can't... YET!.. but.. the good news is that while cleaning.. i found the disc for my camera... so.. i should be able to put pictures on this thing again... yay!!.. i'll test it out later.. i went to the dollar store friday to buy some shoe box size plastic containers and darn if they weren't totally out of them.. so i'll have to go to another dollar store and check there.. sure makes it hard to cut and sort without the proper container.. :|
been doing a lot on my cross stitch.. making great progress on the Flowers of Rosehall picture.. it's sooo gorgeous.. and getting ready to start the krienik/floss parts on the gingerbread house shop model.. and.. doing quite a bit of the stitching on the Halloween "red"work picture i'm doing.. and i've even had a little time to read a book... (i make it a rule to read at least 12 books a year.. usually i go way over... last year i think i read at least 36 books!!).. it's been so gorgeous here in central florida lately... that i've been sitting out by the pool and reading for a bit in the afternoon... looks like the weather is supposed to get much cooler and it might even rain later in the week.. which would be good... we need the rain!!...
i took 2 UFO's off the quilt list recently... yay!!.. finally got the borders on the blue charm quilt i started last fall... and.. on the poinsettia irish chain quilt that has been laying around here since probably 2006.. lol.. and got the fabric i need to get the borders on the 9 patch pizzaz quilt that i believe has been just sitting there patiently waiting for it's borders since i think 2008 .. of course they are now added to the.. pile of... "need to be quilted quilt tops"... but at least they are quilt tops!!.. lol
i'll come back later in the week and try to post the pictures of the completed quilt tops and the cross stitch i'm working on..
until next time..
happy stitching..
Monday, February 4, 2013
Where does the time go???
wow.. it's been nearly a year since i've posted on this thing.. hard to believe!.. but.. here i go again trying to keep up with it.. 2012 just plain sucked for me.. and i'm glad it's done and over with.. it started off pretty good.. and the spring wasn't bad.. and in the summer my sister moved down here to florida.. and that was fantastic.. but after that.. it was just all bad... my BGFF got sick in september and we lost her in october.. and omg .. has that been tough to handle.. i miss her soooo much!!... then my brother in law passed in november... and dec wasn't much better as the entire family got sick for the holidays.. so i was happy to see 2013 arrive with all it's hopes and promises of better things..
creatively i wasn't much better.. i did get those few things done early in the year.. and i managed to get quilts made for both my niece Paige for her graduation and one for my nephew Jeremy.. (i owed him one for his graduation a few years ago)... but after that.. nothing!.. i didn't even make a single thing for Christmas gifts last year.. (totally unheard of for me!)..
so far this year... i'm doing ok.. i've been doing a lot of cross stitching.. and got involved with a bunch of my buddies from Needlecraft World and my good friend Patti D.. in doing a stitch (SAL) along for the year... due... 11-12-13.. we're doing.. the Santa's Village series from Country Cottage Needleworks.. and i'm going to be doing it on the most delicious linen dyed by susan of .. Black Cauldron Dyeworks.. called.. vanilla latte.. i'm a bit behind on it cause the first piece of linen i started on was a bit bit too small for the entire series.. so i've decided to just due 9 of them on that piece of linen.. and do the entire series on another piece when she gets it done.. i'm also working on a shop model for cathy.. called.. gingerbread houses on some peppermint stripe linen fabric... and.. working on my flowers of Rosehall that i started in the fall.. (eventually i'm going to cycle in some of my other ufo cross stitch pictures and attempt to get them done..).. i've also working on a few redwork pictures... i'm doing the "walking in a winter wonderland" quilt.. and i'm doing a Halloween picture..
and a good friend of my daughter is having a baby in April... so.. i'm also crocheting a baby crib/carriage blanket for her..
this is going to be a ufo year for me.. both in cross stitching and quilting.. that being said... i did finish a charm quilt that i started last fall and put the borders on 2 ufo's that that have been laying around here for a few years.. it's also a stash busting year... i have soooooo much stuff that i need to just use what i have... so i've packed up a bunch of kits that have everything i need to make the quilt all together and.. i'm cleaning and organizing my studios... i never dreamed of the mess that would ensue from trying to get all my stash and scraps organized!!... O..M..G.. ... it looks like a tornado has ripped thru my studio!!.. and it looks like it's going to be a mess in there for quite some time... but i know in the end it will be sooo much better and easier for me.. once i have the stash organized by colour and the scraps organized by size.. then i'll be doing many many scrap quilts.. :)
i was re-elected to be Program Director for my quilt guild last fall.. so coming up with programs and things to do for the meetings is keeping me busy as well..
i'm having some trouble getting my camera and my computer to work together.. so getting pictures on here is an issue for me lately... but i'll try to get that figured out so you can "see" what i'm working on..
until next time..
happy stitching...
wow.. it's been nearly a year since i've posted on this thing.. hard to believe!.. but.. here i go again trying to keep up with it.. 2012 just plain sucked for me.. and i'm glad it's done and over with.. it started off pretty good.. and the spring wasn't bad.. and in the summer my sister moved down here to florida.. and that was fantastic.. but after that.. it was just all bad... my BGFF got sick in september and we lost her in october.. and omg .. has that been tough to handle.. i miss her soooo much!!... then my brother in law passed in november... and dec wasn't much better as the entire family got sick for the holidays.. so i was happy to see 2013 arrive with all it's hopes and promises of better things..
creatively i wasn't much better.. i did get those few things done early in the year.. and i managed to get quilts made for both my niece Paige for her graduation and one for my nephew Jeremy.. (i owed him one for his graduation a few years ago)... but after that.. nothing!.. i didn't even make a single thing for Christmas gifts last year.. (totally unheard of for me!)..
so far this year... i'm doing ok.. i've been doing a lot of cross stitching.. and got involved with a bunch of my buddies from Needlecraft World and my good friend Patti D.. in doing a stitch (SAL) along for the year... due... 11-12-13.. we're doing.. the Santa's Village series from Country Cottage Needleworks.. and i'm going to be doing it on the most delicious linen dyed by susan of .. Black Cauldron Dyeworks.. called.. vanilla latte.. i'm a bit behind on it cause the first piece of linen i started on was a bit bit too small for the entire series.. so i've decided to just due 9 of them on that piece of linen.. and do the entire series on another piece when she gets it done.. i'm also working on a shop model for cathy.. called.. gingerbread houses on some peppermint stripe linen fabric... and.. working on my flowers of Rosehall that i started in the fall.. (eventually i'm going to cycle in some of my other ufo cross stitch pictures and attempt to get them done..).. i've also working on a few redwork pictures... i'm doing the "walking in a winter wonderland" quilt.. and i'm doing a Halloween picture..
and a good friend of my daughter is having a baby in April... so.. i'm also crocheting a baby crib/carriage blanket for her..
this is going to be a ufo year for me.. both in cross stitching and quilting.. that being said... i did finish a charm quilt that i started last fall and put the borders on 2 ufo's that that have been laying around here for a few years.. it's also a stash busting year... i have soooooo much stuff that i need to just use what i have... so i've packed up a bunch of kits that have everything i need to make the quilt all together and.. i'm cleaning and organizing my studios... i never dreamed of the mess that would ensue from trying to get all my stash and scraps organized!!... O..M..G.. ... it looks like a tornado has ripped thru my studio!!.. and it looks like it's going to be a mess in there for quite some time... but i know in the end it will be sooo much better and easier for me.. once i have the stash organized by colour and the scraps organized by size.. then i'll be doing many many scrap quilts.. :)
i was re-elected to be Program Director for my quilt guild last fall.. so coming up with programs and things to do for the meetings is keeping me busy as well..
i'm having some trouble getting my camera and my computer to work together.. so getting pictures on here is an issue for me lately... but i'll try to get that figured out so you can "see" what i'm working on..
until next time..
happy stitching...
Saturday, March 24, 2012
a little quick note..
i know... i said i'd keep up with this better... and i haven't... sorry... i have been busy tho... i did another of the "asian" scrappy road quilts... this one using some of my Christmas FQ stash... i love it!...
and i've got the top about done for an easy charm tree skirt... just need to get it quilted .. then cut and bound... this is the first of a few tree skirts i have planned for this year.... i think tree skirts and bed-runners will be a few of my Christmas gifts this year.. sorry no picture yet... hopefully next post.. :)
today i'm packing... woohooo... it's the Ladies cruise... my sister, my mom and me... we do this every year and we have a blast... i can't wait to go... this year will be a short one.. as my sister will be moving down here this summer and we had to make it a fairly inexpensive trip... no matter to us... we always have a great time together and... next year.. we'll do a longer one...
see you soon...
i know... i said i'd keep up with this better... and i haven't... sorry... i have been busy tho... i did another of the "asian" scrappy road quilts... this one using some of my Christmas FQ stash... i love it!...
and i've got the top about done for an easy charm tree skirt... just need to get it quilted .. then cut and bound... this is the first of a few tree skirts i have planned for this year.... i think tree skirts and bed-runners will be a few of my Christmas gifts this year.. sorry no picture yet... hopefully next post.. :)
today i'm packing... woohooo... it's the Ladies cruise... my sister, my mom and me... we do this every year and we have a blast... i can't wait to go... this year will be a short one.. as my sister will be moving down here this summer and we had to make it a fairly inexpensive trip... no matter to us... we always have a great time together and... next year.. we'll do a longer one...
see you soon...
Tuesday, March 6, 2012
and we're off..
well i had a very productive week... i finished my niece's quilt for her graduation.. so i can get that into my quilter next week... it's called sparkling gemstones in .. the jelly roll book... and... fuzzy logic in the strip therapy book..
and i finished the scrappy asian road quilt... i love it... i'm gonna do another one with some of my Christmas FQ stash..
some of the other things i've done over the last few months...
the jelly roll race quilt...
the DP9 quilt...
the garden trellis quilt.. (also a jelly roll quilt)..
for whatever reason blogger has decided to put then sideways... they are correct in my pictures.. sorry about that...
i still have more things to show ... but i'll do them in another post..
until then... Happy stitching!!..
well i had a very productive week... i finished my niece's quilt for her graduation.. so i can get that into my quilter next week... it's called sparkling gemstones in .. the jelly roll book... and... fuzzy logic in the strip therapy book..
and i finished the scrappy asian road quilt... i love it... i'm gonna do another one with some of my Christmas FQ stash..
some of the other things i've done over the last few months...
the jelly roll race quilt...
the DP9 quilt...
the garden trellis quilt.. (also a jelly roll quilt)..
for whatever reason blogger has decided to put then sideways... they are correct in my pictures.. sorry about that...
i still have more things to show ... but i'll do them in another post..
until then... Happy stitching!!..
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
it's new day...
well i've been terrible at keeping up with this thing... i want to do it.. but.. something lately has been getting in my way.. the holidays.. company.. traveling to visit sick relatives... but.. this is it... i NEED to do this for my own sanity... i can't keep up with anything anymore... my motivation for doing anything has fallen to just about nothing... and when i do keep up with this thing it's therapeutic... lets me see that i haven't been totally lazy... so... tomorrow... i will go around and get my pics taken of the few things that have done or are currently working on... get them off the camera and on the computer... get them all uploaded and reduced this weekend... and next week i will have a new blog post with pics..
it's that i haven't done anything.. i have.. i did quite a few table-toppers for Christmas gifts last year... and i'm currently working on a quilt for my nieces grad gift in June... and the scrappy Asian road quilt for me!... and for cross stitch couple new things... 6 fat men is in the works.. (actually i'm doing the last box)... and i'm working on a picture that a bunch of us started on a stitching retreat... and some red work too..
anyway... i'll have those pics for next weeks posting...
till next time... :D
well i've been terrible at keeping up with this thing... i want to do it.. but.. something lately has been getting in my way.. the holidays.. company.. traveling to visit sick relatives... but.. this is it... i NEED to do this for my own sanity... i can't keep up with anything anymore... my motivation for doing anything has fallen to just about nothing... and when i do keep up with this thing it's therapeutic... lets me see that i haven't been totally lazy... so... tomorrow... i will go around and get my pics taken of the few things that have done or are currently working on... get them off the camera and on the computer... get them all uploaded and reduced this weekend... and next week i will have a new blog post with pics..
it's that i haven't done anything.. i have.. i did quite a few table-toppers for Christmas gifts last year... and i'm currently working on a quilt for my nieces grad gift in June... and the scrappy Asian road quilt for me!... and for cross stitch couple new things... 6 fat men is in the works.. (actually i'm doing the last box)... and i'm working on a picture that a bunch of us started on a stitching retreat... and some red work too..
anyway... i'll have those pics for next weeks posting...
till next time... :D
Thursday, September 29, 2011
and some quilting too..
now for some of the quilting i've been doing this past few months... to start with.. my "ocean" string quilt.. i LOVE it.. about half of the blocks are from a CYOC (choose your own colour) string swap i was in on the HGTV message board... my colours were "ocean" colour batiks.. in blues, greens, tourquoise and a bit of purple (you know.. the colours in the ocean!)... with a sand center strip.. it came out really well and i love the variety of all the colours in the blocks...
i also finished a "jelly roll" quilt.. but the jelly roll was one of my own making... at the NC-COF retreat in April i was lucky enough to win the "strip" poker game with the batiks... i did have to add some of my own strips to get enough of a variety in the strips but i love how it came out... this one is called Pandoras Box.. and i have tons and tons of strips left so... i'll be making more "jelly roll" quilts using these strips...
i'm currently working on some blocks for the F8 block swap i'm hosting for the HGTV board.. and... i've started another jelly roll quilt using the Madiera jelly roll that has been in my stash for about the last 5 years or so..
oh... i did another jelly roll quilt too... it's called a jelly roll race.. it was really fun and easy to do... i still need to put the final border on it... hopefully i'll have a picture of it for the next posting.. i think i'm going to host a jelly roll race for the guild in the spring... it should be lots of fun for everyone.. :)
and.. also needing borders is a DP9 that i did.. using a package of charms that's been in my stash a while.. i hope to get that one done soon too..
i also did a bunch of borders for the charity quilts for the quild... they came out pretty good.. considering the trouble we had putting some of them together.. (there are quite a few newbies in the guild and.. they have yet to master the art of.. getting blocks to the correct size... we are working on that tho)...
until next time...
now for some of the quilting i've been doing this past few months... to start with.. my "ocean" string quilt.. i LOVE it.. about half of the blocks are from a CYOC (choose your own colour) string swap i was in on the HGTV message board... my colours were "ocean" colour batiks.. in blues, greens, tourquoise and a bit of purple (you know.. the colours in the ocean!)... with a sand center strip.. it came out really well and i love the variety of all the colours in the blocks...
i also finished a "jelly roll" quilt.. but the jelly roll was one of my own making... at the NC-COF retreat in April i was lucky enough to win the "strip" poker game with the batiks... i did have to add some of my own strips to get enough of a variety in the strips but i love how it came out... this one is called Pandoras Box.. and i have tons and tons of strips left so... i'll be making more "jelly roll" quilts using these strips...
and.. i made another of the Mosaic Quilts.. (i think this is #5).. this one uses all Halloween fabrics and will be for my daughter... who just loves Halloween...
oh... i did another jelly roll quilt too... it's called a jelly roll race.. it was really fun and easy to do... i still need to put the final border on it... hopefully i'll have a picture of it for the next posting.. i think i'm going to host a jelly roll race for the guild in the spring... it should be lots of fun for everyone.. :)
and.. also needing borders is a DP9 that i did.. using a package of charms that's been in my stash a while.. i hope to get that one done soon too..
i also did a bunch of borders for the charity quilts for the quild... they came out pretty good.. considering the trouble we had putting some of them together.. (there are quite a few newbies in the guild and.. they have yet to master the art of.. getting blocks to the correct size... we are working on that tho)...
until next time...
Monday, September 26, 2011
long time no see..
wow.. it's been a very hectic summer.. and it went by extremely fast.. it doesn't seem possible i've not blogged in such a long time..
i have been busy doing things tho.. and this post will be about the cross stitch i've been doing and the next will be about the quilts...
i've been working hard on my mermaid picture... it's basically done except for some beading.. and a little backstitching around the mermaid to the right.. and once again blogger has tipped the picture... how annoying!
the bad thing about finishing things off is... it makes me want to start something new... lol... and i'm trying to decide on which new one i want to start... eggs alla round... or.. come sit a spell.. both are glendon place patterns.. but... i suppose i should TRY to wait till i've at least finished the mermaids...
blogger is being tempermental today... tipping pictures and won't even let me put the pic of pretty pumpkins in... oh well.. i'll try that again later..
i'll post about the quilting i've done very soon..
wow.. it's been a very hectic summer.. and it went by extremely fast.. it doesn't seem possible i've not blogged in such a long time..
i have been busy doing things tho.. and this post will be about the cross stitch i've been doing and the next will be about the quilts...
i've been working hard on my mermaid picture... it's basically done except for some beading.. and a little backstitching around the mermaid to the right.. and once again blogger has tipped the picture... how annoying!
and done lots on cirque des carreaux.. i actually surprized myself when i took it off the frame as to how much i've done on it... it's looking good.. and again it's tipped... grrrrr..
i've done a bit on pretty pumpkins.. i love the picture... but it's a shame that i don't like orange.. lol.. it makes it hard to work on it.. it'll get done ... eventually.. but i would imagine it'll be a long time... lol..
and... i finally finished off the christmas flip it and the halloween flipit (and again it's tipped.. ugh).. i just had a small bit to do on each of them and have been putting it off for ages.. but they are done now and ready for framing..
blogger is being tempermental today... tipping pictures and won't even let me put the pic of pretty pumpkins in... oh well.. i'll try that again later..
i'll post about the quilting i've done very soon..
Monday, July 11, 2011
wow.. july already???!!
hello.. :D
hard to believe it's july already... doesn't seem like it's been over 6 weeks since i last updated this thing... shame on me!... it's been a busy 6 weeks tho.. i did get my "irish" quilt done and bound and brought it up to NY with me for Patti O... she LOVED it.. and i'm so glad!!.. sorry for the tipped photo.. i don't understand why blogger does that.. and i don't know how to fix it either.. :| .. sorry..
what else have i done???... oh yeah.. i made another Mosaic quilt top.. this one i did with my friend and long arm quilter Cathie.. we both picked out about 6 fabrics that were the same and then went thru our stash and shopped for the remaining 10.. i love how mine came out... i haven't seen Cath's yet.. i'll be bringing mine down for us to reveal to each other at the end of the month... i'm curious to see how different they are..
and .. i've been working on making more "ocean" string blocks for my ocean quilt.. i'm still missing 6 blocks from 2 missing swappers.. but hopefully they will show up soon.. so far i've made an additional 24 blocks.. not sure yet how big i want this thing.. but i'm loving how colourful it is.. this is before my additional 24 blocks..
for the next couple of days i'm going to be working on guild stuff.. i have some quilt tops here that need additional borders put on.. and i need to figure out what blocks i have to make another charity quilt..
hard to believe it's july already... doesn't seem like it's been over 6 weeks since i last updated this thing... shame on me!... it's been a busy 6 weeks tho.. i did get my "irish" quilt done and bound and brought it up to NY with me for Patti O... she LOVED it.. and i'm so glad!!.. sorry for the tipped photo.. i don't understand why blogger does that.. and i don't know how to fix it either.. :| .. sorry..
what else have i done???... oh yeah.. i made another Mosaic quilt top.. this one i did with my friend and long arm quilter Cathie.. we both picked out about 6 fabrics that were the same and then went thru our stash and shopped for the remaining 10.. i love how mine came out... i haven't seen Cath's yet.. i'll be bringing mine down for us to reveal to each other at the end of the month... i'm curious to see how different they are..
and .. i've been working on making more "ocean" string blocks for my ocean quilt.. i'm still missing 6 blocks from 2 missing swappers.. but hopefully they will show up soon.. so far i've made an additional 24 blocks.. not sure yet how big i want this thing.. but i'm loving how colourful it is.. this is before my additional 24 blocks..
for the next couple of days i'm going to be working on guild stuff.. i have some quilt tops here that need additional borders put on.. and i need to figure out what blocks i have to make another charity quilt..
Friday, May 20, 2011
time to take a breath..
wow.. the last month or so i've been going full tilt!!.. first an awesome cruise with my sister and mom.. then some family time.. then a fantastic retreat with about 80 wonderful ladies from the HGTV message board in charlotte north carolina.. and bring 2 of my favortite ladies home with me for some R&R here in sunny florida.. it's been a whirlwind ... but i've loved every min of it!!.
of course something had to suffer.. and it did... lol.. both my waistline and my mojo took a beating!.. i haven't really gotten too much done since i've been back.. except making another of the Mozaic quilts.. this one in "Irish" fabrics for my sister in law.. we just found out she's ill and i wanted to do something special to help her thru... of couse i don't have many "irish fabrics".. in fact i don't think i had one... lol.. so i put a request out on the HGTV message board offering to trade one of my fq's for an irish one.. and OMG did they come thru.. within days my mailbox was overflowing with "Irish" fabbies... and not one of these wonderful ladies would take any in return... the love and generosity of quilters is amazing!!.. within days of recieving these fabbies.. i had the top done... and i love it!!... it's now at my quilters.. for her to do her longarm magic on it.. and i just talked to her today and she's done... she's quilted green shamrocks all over it.. i can't wait to see it!!... mom will pick it up and bring it to me on sunday... and i'll get the binding and label on it and it will be ready to go with us up to NY on june 11.. to give to Patti O... i think she'll love it!..
here it is... before quilting... i'll take another after i get it back and bound for a future post..
wow.. the last month or so i've been going full tilt!!.. first an awesome cruise with my sister and mom.. then some family time.. then a fantastic retreat with about 80 wonderful ladies from the HGTV message board in charlotte north carolina.. and bring 2 of my favortite ladies home with me for some R&R here in sunny florida.. it's been a whirlwind ... but i've loved every min of it!!.
of course something had to suffer.. and it did... lol.. both my waistline and my mojo took a beating!.. i haven't really gotten too much done since i've been back.. except making another of the Mozaic quilts.. this one in "Irish" fabrics for my sister in law.. we just found out she's ill and i wanted to do something special to help her thru... of couse i don't have many "irish fabrics".. in fact i don't think i had one... lol.. so i put a request out on the HGTV message board offering to trade one of my fq's for an irish one.. and OMG did they come thru.. within days my mailbox was overflowing with "Irish" fabbies... and not one of these wonderful ladies would take any in return... the love and generosity of quilters is amazing!!.. within days of recieving these fabbies.. i had the top done... and i love it!!... it's now at my quilters.. for her to do her longarm magic on it.. and i just talked to her today and she's done... she's quilted green shamrocks all over it.. i can't wait to see it!!... mom will pick it up and bring it to me on sunday... and i'll get the binding and label on it and it will be ready to go with us up to NY on june 11.. to give to Patti O... i think she'll love it!..
here it is... before quilting... i'll take another after i get it back and bound for a future post..
Sunday, April 3, 2011
and the MOJO continues... yay!!
well my mojo has been continuing... thank gawd!!... i actually feel like i've accomplished something lately!!.. :)... first .. i did another of the Mozaic quilts.. this time in Batiks... omg.. it's gorgeous... looks just like stained glass!.. i'll probably do some more with batiks eventually... next is the Christmas one... and i'm planning on doing one with my quilter Cathie.. we both picked the same focus fabric and about 5 fabrics that are the same... the other 10 fabrics we'll choose are our own... we're hoping to have a play date sometime in May to do this...
then... i finished all the blocks for the string swap... all the "ocean" ones are in one pic and all the rest in the other.. mine will be an "ocean" one... i can't wait for all the blocks to come in so i can see how many more i'll need to make this quilt...
and... i FINALLY decided on my project for my paper piece class at the retreat... we are going to be making this tool caddy with the pretty paper pieced star in the center.. i think it came out pretty good.. i hope the ladies enjoy it..
that's it for now.. my sister flies in tomorrow and our cruise starts on saturday... i can't wait!!.. we are going to have soooo much fun!!...
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
my MOJO finally came home... wooo hooo!!
wow.. this has been a good week for working on projects ... FINALLY!!.. my MOJO has returned... thank gawd for that..
i worked on a bunch of the blocks for the string swap.. i'm more than half way done with those... with luck i can get those just about finished this weekend.. (i'll probably leave all the "ocean" ones for last.. as i'm planning on making a bunch of extras.. i want my quilt to be quite a bit bigger)..
i put the borders on the 10 min block quilt too... i like it.. it was quick and easy.. i was gonna post a pic of it but... blogger wants to put it sideways... so maybe next time.. sorry.. lol
wow.. this has been a good week for working on projects ... FINALLY!!.. my MOJO has returned... thank gawd for that..
saturday the guild put together all of the blocks we did last year for the charity quilts.. i still have to put a few of the final borders on some.. and once that is done i'll post some pics of them... they came out really nice.. and i hope whoever we decide to give them too will love them as well...
i worked on a bunch of the blocks for the string swap.. i'm more than half way done with those... with luck i can get those just about finished this weekend.. (i'll probably leave all the "ocean" ones for last.. as i'm planning on making a bunch of extras.. i want my quilt to be quite a bit bigger)..
i put the borders on the 10 min block quilt too... i like it.. it was quick and easy.. i was gonna post a pic of it but... blogger wants to put it sideways... so maybe next time.. sorry.. lol
oh... now that amanda has recieved her mini from me... i can post a pic of the one i made for her and the one she made for me too... don't you just love that mini pineapple... i LOVE it.. thank you again amanda!!..
and i finially finished this crazy quilt Christmas stocking... it was fun to get to use a bunch of the decorative stitches on my machine.. i think it came out quite nice..
i went to visit a friend over in the Tampa area a couple of weekends ago and... went to Rainbow's End quilt shop in Dunedin... omg!!.. the selection and variety in this store is AMAZING!!.. they one room filled with nothing but holiday fabrics.. (all holidays).. and spent a bunch in there... but i found 16 of the most lucious FQ's that i just had to have... (as well as some layer cakes and jelly rolls... and well lets just say i did a number on my credit card... lol)... but.. i spent the last couple of days working on a quilt with those FQ's... and ta da!!... I LOVE IT!!!... the pattern is Mozaic.. and it's from the Material Girl Quilt Shop in Apopka, FL.. i have a feeling i'll be using this pattern a lot more as i can see it done in Batiks.. and Halloween and.. Christmas... and... well.. a whole lot of things... lol..
and i even worked on some cross stitch too... i'm almost done with the Winter in the Village one.. with luck i should have it done in the next month or so.. (provided i'm home long enough to work on it.. lol).. and i started my March ornament.. hopefully by the next blog post i can show you that...
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
not much but it's something..
well i don't have much to show but i do have a few things... yay!!... i did get my mini quilt for amanda all done and packaged and ready to wing it's way to north carolina tomorrow... i really like it... i hope she does too... can't post a pic of it tho till i know she has it... so hopefully next week... i'll post the one she made me next week too..
i also did a couple of sets of string blocks for a swap i'm in.. but again... until they are recieved.. no can post..
i tried a new block/technique... it's a 10 min block... well that's what they say... i have to admit.. it took me a bit longer than 10 min to do one... lol.. at least in the beginning.. by the last one tho... i was much better at it... i like it... i think i'm gonna put some sashing and borders around it to make it a bit bigger... i see me doing a few more of these.. they are a good stash buster... i used a layer cake on this one tho...
i finally got back to doing some cross stitching too... i really don't have much left to do on this winter in the village one..
and i'm doing some cross stitch ornies... my goal is to try to do at least one a month... so these are jan and feb... i love this little snoman guy... he's sooo cute... not sure what i'm doing for march yet... i'll have to get my ornie books out and see what strikes my fancy...
well i don't have much to show but i do have a few things... yay!!... i did get my mini quilt for amanda all done and packaged and ready to wing it's way to north carolina tomorrow... i really like it... i hope she does too... can't post a pic of it tho till i know she has it... so hopefully next week... i'll post the one she made me next week too..
i also did a couple of sets of string blocks for a swap i'm in.. but again... until they are recieved.. no can post..
i tried a new block/technique... it's a 10 min block... well that's what they say... i have to admit.. it took me a bit longer than 10 min to do one... lol.. at least in the beginning.. by the last one tho... i was much better at it... i like it... i think i'm gonna put some sashing and borders around it to make it a bit bigger... i see me doing a few more of these.. they are a good stash buster... i used a layer cake on this one tho...
i finally got back to doing some cross stitching too... i really don't have much left to do on this winter in the village one..
and i'm doing some cross stitch ornies... my goal is to try to do at least one a month... so these are jan and feb... i love this little snoman guy... he's sooo cute... not sure what i'm doing for march yet... i'll have to get my ornie books out and see what strikes my fancy...
until next week..
Monday, February 21, 2011
wow.. a new year and nothing yet..
can't believe it's been 3 months since i lasted posted on this thing... i have been one busy busy lady... but unfortuneately... i really don't have anything to show for it... :|
i've had a LOT of company these last few months... and i've totally enjoyed it... as i get to go and do lots of things with them that i usually don't do to often by myself.... like.. trips to disney's animal kingdom and magic kingdom... seaworld.. river boat rides... dinners at medieval times... all kinds of fun stuff!!... but... my sewing stuff tends to suffer... i'm so far behind on things... it's gonna take a while to catch up...
then my wonderful hubby took a spill and suffered a subdural hemotoma.. so a weekend was spent in the hospital with that.. and we are still dealing with some of the aftereffects... but he's doing well and recovering nicely... praying the dr appt this week will allow him to drive again!!..
i did finally finish up the of the RR blocks over this past weekend... so that will be winging it's way to Quilaholic tomorrow.. i can't wait to see them all at the retreat in april... and i'm almost finished with my mini quilt for Holee's mini swap...
i'm slowly getting back into cross stitching too... altho i have nothing to show that looks like i've done anything since november... :| .. i'll try to have something that will show progress next week..
i'm going to try to get back into the blogging habit of at least every week or 2... and well try to have some pictures to post next week... seems like everything i have gotten done.. was for a swap and can't be posted till i know it's been recieved ...
until next time..
can't believe it's been 3 months since i lasted posted on this thing... i have been one busy busy lady... but unfortuneately... i really don't have anything to show for it... :|
i've had a LOT of company these last few months... and i've totally enjoyed it... as i get to go and do lots of things with them that i usually don't do to often by myself.... like.. trips to disney's animal kingdom and magic kingdom... seaworld.. river boat rides... dinners at medieval times... all kinds of fun stuff!!... but... my sewing stuff tends to suffer... i'm so far behind on things... it's gonna take a while to catch up...
then my wonderful hubby took a spill and suffered a subdural hemotoma.. so a weekend was spent in the hospital with that.. and we are still dealing with some of the aftereffects... but he's doing well and recovering nicely... praying the dr appt this week will allow him to drive again!!..
i did finally finish up the of the RR blocks over this past weekend... so that will be winging it's way to Quilaholic tomorrow.. i can't wait to see them all at the retreat in april... and i'm almost finished with my mini quilt for Holee's mini swap...
i'm slowly getting back into cross stitching too... altho i have nothing to show that looks like i've done anything since november... :| .. i'll try to have something that will show progress next week..
i'm going to try to get back into the blogging habit of at least every week or 2... and well try to have some pictures to post next week... seems like everything i have gotten done.. was for a swap and can't be posted till i know it's been recieved ...
until next time..
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
festival of the masters at disney..
blogging about something a bit different this week.. this past weekend my wonderful daughter and i had a mother/daughter day and spent the day at Downtown Disney for their Festival of the Masters... OMG.. what gorgeous art was displayed.. in booths as well as in chalkart all over Downtown Disney... i didn't take tooo many pictures... but here are a few things that intrigued me... sorry about the truned ones... for some reason blogger turned them... and i don't know how to fix that..
i loved this Mermaid... she was totally gorgeous... if i had the money she would have come home with me!..
and this chair was amazing.. the guy that did this had some of the most cool.. quirky things i've ever seen..
i loved the Flags... these were made out of all kinds of things... totally cool!..
the chalkdrawings were amazing!!... these were just a few of them...
and these were made out of legos!.. really cool...
maybe i'll do more pics in next blog post...
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
catching up is hard to do..
hello all..
it's been a while since i've posted... i've been very very busy.. my lovely sister came to visit for the last week so we've had a fantastic week of fun.. fun.. fun... spent a couple of days at the Hard Rock hotel and casino in Hollywood, florida.. and had a blast.. and i didn't do to bad with the gambling either.. broke about even!!... saturday we had a big family party to celebrate all the family's fall birthdays... yummy italian menu!!.. ate to much but was soooo worth it!!.. and we also did a day trip to Downtown Disney for some lunch and shopping lot's of fun... and lunch at our local seafood place Crabby Bill's where we could sit outside in the sun and have a few drinks with our lunch... but then came the bad news.. our wonderful Uncle Ernie passed away... :( so mom and my sister took off this morning for NYC.. and i stayed home to keep an eye on dad... RIP Uncle!!... i love you!!..
so... needless to say i haven't done much sewing.. quilting or even cross stitch... i did finish a couple of things before she got here... so i'll show those..
this is the mini quilt i did for the guild's challenge... we all picked a crayon out of a bag and had to use that colour with either white or black for the quilt... i like how this one came out... and .. i won best of show for the quilts that were submitted... ..
and i finished getting the borders on my Halloween quilt.. it came out pretty cute.. i'll have to remember to get it quilted sometime next year so i can use it for next Halloween..
and i got the borders on the let's twist fall table runner...
and put together another fall runner top done using the easy striped tablerunner pattern... and a candle mat..
and i made this little case for my sister... it was supposed to be for her Nook.. but.. she had one... so she's using it to keep all kinds of stuff handy in her purse..
and the only cross stitch i've done is work more on the Winter Village for the shop model..

Tuesday, October 19, 2010
i'm alive and well.. :D
well i made it thru my surgery just fine and that nasty gallbladder is gone!.. it's amazing how fast they can do this now... i was scheduled for surgery at 7:30am... the dr was late and it was probably close to 8am when they did it... and i was home and in bed resting by 11:30am... i'm doing great now.. just the process of finding out what foods are going to bother me... the dr said that will take 3-4 months to resolve... but i feel great!!..
i went on a shop hop the first week in october... 9 nine wonderful shops and wow... great stuff... i probably spent to much but it sure was fun!.. and i discovered a couple of new shops to go to too..
i've been working on a Halloween quilt.. it's the Shadowbox pattern... it's just about done... just need to put the final border on it... and i didn't have enough of the fabric i was planning on using... so i'll have to take it with me to the LQS and find a different one... hmmm... don't know why the picture in turned the wrong way.. it's correct on puter and i haven't a clue how to turn it here... sorry..
well i made it thru my surgery just fine and that nasty gallbladder is gone!.. it's amazing how fast they can do this now... i was scheduled for surgery at 7:30am... the dr was late and it was probably close to 8am when they did it... and i was home and in bed resting by 11:30am... i'm doing great now.. just the process of finding out what foods are going to bother me... the dr said that will take 3-4 months to resolve... but i feel great!!..
i went on a shop hop the first week in october... 9 nine wonderful shops and wow... great stuff... i probably spent to much but it sure was fun!.. and i discovered a couple of new shops to go to too..
i've been working on a Halloween quilt.. it's the Shadowbox pattern... it's just about done... just need to put the final border on it... and i didn't have enough of the fabric i was planning on using... so i'll have to take it with me to the LQS and find a different one... hmmm... don't know why the picture in turned the wrong way.. it's correct on puter and i haven't a clue how to turn it here... sorry..
and.. i've been doing lots of cross stitching on the shop model for Needlecraft World... i really like this pattern... it's called Winter in the village... it's a Stoney Creek pattern.. it's part of the Seasons in the Village series.. i think i'm about half done... my goal is to be done with it before the end of the year..
that's about it for this week...
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